
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Part two: Privacy matters
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Continuing with part two of this three-part series about privacy and data security, Ana Crawford gives an update on which federal agencies and states are dipping their toes in the dataprotection arena.

Monday Jul 18, 2016
Part one: Privacy matters
Monday Jul 18, 2016
Monday Jul 18, 2016
In this three-part series, Jay speaks with attorneys across Porter Wright’s departments and practices about privacy and data security. Today’s podcast begins with Christina Hultsch who talks about the options available for European Union companies to transfer data.

Wednesday May 18, 2016
Consumer data breaches
Wednesday May 18, 2016
Wednesday May 18, 2016
What happens if your personally identifiable information is stolen, but no harm has come to you…yet? Do the eyes of the court feel that simply the fear of harm warrants relief? Jay and Ryan Graham discuss the differing decisions to date and how things may evolve in the future.

Wednesday Apr 20, 2016
Representative evidence – Good, bad? The Supreme Court speaks
Wednesday Apr 20, 2016
Wednesday Apr 20, 2016
As we’ve reported previously, Tyson was challenging the certification of a class of employees who sued for unpaid time related to donning and doffing protective gear. Jay discusses the implications of the Supreme Court’s allowance of representative evidence to prove classwide liability and how the Court’s ruling may (or may not) impact future class actions.

Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Are data breaches covered under insurance policies?
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
Thursday Apr 14, 2016
In defending against a class action case where patient information was found online for months without being secured, the insurance company was found to have a duty to defend the defendant, who held an insurance policy that covered the publication of patient information. The case, Travelers Indemnity vs. Portal Healthcare, is important because it’s one of the first decisions to rule on whether data breach litigation is covered under commercial insurance policies.

Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Big data and what can be done with it: Part three
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
Tuesday Mar 01, 2016
In our last installment of the big data podcast series (listen to part one and part two), Jay and Phil discuss how companies deal with data breaches. They talk about how consumer trust is vital and how customers may prepare in advance for these breaches. Finally, Phil shares three tips when it comes to using customers’ information for competitive advantage.

Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Big data and what can be done with it: Part two
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Continuing their conversation regarding big data, Phil and Jay discuss what companies should be doing with big data, how to figure out whether they are using it correctly and if there is a better way of doing it. How do companies place value on their data to make financial decisions?

Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
Big data and what can be done with it: Part one
Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
Tuesday Feb 16, 2016
In part one of this three-part series, Jay talks with Phil Rist, Executive Vice President of Prosper Business Development, about how his company collects big data and utilizes it to detect trends that aid his clients in developing their strategic plans. Phil discusses how his company not only takes data available from the federal government, but how they administer “emotional surveys” to track the feelings of today’s population to build predictive models for future events. Phil and Jay discuss challenges and opportunities for big data in 2016 – how the internet of things (wearable devices, Bluetooth enabled devices, trackable devices like thermostats, refrigerators, food/fitness trackers) will have more data available for tracking.

Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
Health care data breaches – inevitable, but you can minimize the damage
Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
Tuesday Dec 01, 2015
Data breaches in health care can be the most devastating, both to the consumers whose personally identifiable information was exposed, but also to the institutions that possessed this sensitive data. In this podcast Jay and Christina Hultsch review the various issues surrounding such data breaches, including when to review data security policies, how to prepare for a potential breach and how to deal with third-party vendor access.

Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Third Circuit’s Wyndham decision - Part two
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015
Tuesday Nov 17, 2015